Attentive upholds quality and gets to market faster with Writer


1 week

instead of months to create content




New York, NY





Key features used

AI apps
Ask Writer
Chrome extension
Style guide


Attentive is an AI-powered marketing platform for over 8,000 global brands, helping businesses create personalized SMS and email communications for their customers at a large scale. As an increasing number of people across different departments began creating content for the company’s growing needs, Attentive looked for a generative AI solution to manage brand consistency and compliance. Senior Director of Brand and Content Marketing Kasey Hickey led the adoption process to ensure the marketing team could be the shepherds of good writing at Attentive and enable more team members to create high-quality content.


After evaluating Writer and another generative AI solution, Attentive selected Writer for its commitment to data privacy, friendly user experience, and credibility within the content community. Writer is the Attentive marketing team’s go-to for everything from summarizing event notes to repurposing market intelligence into blog posts to analyzing consumer data to being an ideation partner.

“Generative AI is a great tool in our belt that helps us improve as content creators,” says Hickey. “Writer helps us get over the hurdle of the blank page.”

Hickey’s team also relies heavily on the rewrite feature, which allows her teammates to jumpstart their workflows by being able to shorten, polish, rephrase, or modify tone with just one click. The marketing team also uses the voice feature to ensure consistent voice for its global teams, making it easier to scale content and improve campaign effectiveness.

“Content creators know how we can get caught up with tweaking our work, trying to find the right phrasing,” observes Hickey. “But when we use Writer, we get better content outcomes.”

Additionally, it was important for the Attentive team to find a way to repurpose content more easily and effectively. The recaps feature allows the team to repurpose transcripts and notes into publicly-facing content.

“Recaps allows us to repackage raw notes or recordings from events, webinars, or meetings into concise, formatted outputs,” Hickey says. “This not only streamlines our internal sharing but also helps us create polished external assets faster.”

Kasey Hickey

Generative AI is a great tool in our belt that helps us improve as content creators. Writer helps us get over the hurdle of the blank page.”

Kasey Hickey

Kasey Hickey
Senior Director of Brand and Content Marketing


With Writer, Attentive has seen significant improvements in speed to market. In just one week, Hickey’s team was able to produce three pieces of content with Writer that otherwise would have taken months to create.

“We work in an extremely competitive space. Being fast and dynamic is critical for our business,” Hickey explains.

Writer also makes it much easier for the marketing team to establish clear guidelines across the company with style guides for their international teams, ensuring a well-defined and cohesive global brand.

“We are marketing to marketers, so the bar is extremely high. Maintaining consistency in all our communications is crucial for upholding our brand’s integrity,” says Hickey. “I see content marketing as the ‘glue’ between the entire marketing team and the broader organization. We’re here to set the brand standards, but also guide and empower everyone at the company to feel like they can create content.”


Hickey understood early on the importance of a human-centric adoption approach. As the broader marketing team began to use Writer, Hickey empowered Principal Copywriter Hilary Henning to become the Writer SME and point of contact for the department. Hilary created training materials, set up a Writer Slack channel to share use cases and answer the team’s questions, and has become the team’s Writer expert — holding office hours, creating educational Looms and decks, and training up new team members.

“By strategically using internal marketing to show how Writer can address a wide range of our team’s specific use cases, we’ve been able to improve our educational efforts, while also celebrating successes,” says Hickey. “This dual approach has fostered a genuine enthusiasm for Writer, driving wider adoption across the organization.”

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