A secure writing platform
Great writing, everywhere you use Chrome
Improve your writing with line-by-line writing feedback, anywhere you use Chrome. Say goodbye to wordiness, over-formality, and all manner of writing errors.
“As a former Grammarly (paid version) user, I’m really happy to be using Writer. Being able to incorporate a style guide was the clincher for me.”

Stephen Jeske
Editorial Leader, Content Strategy
Save time with snippet shortcuts
Write emails and documents faster with easy-to-apply snippets, so you don’t have to ever retype the same thing twice. Works anywhere you write in Chrome.
“I use Writer in Chrome and GDocs to bring clarity to my sentences and write well consistently. It’s above any other writing tool I’ve used before.”

Maicco Ferreira
Technical Project Manager
Error-free writing with autocorrect
Get automated corrections of typos, for error-free writing typed 3x as fast. Works across all of the apps you use in Chrome.
Your data isn’t the product
We want you to read our terms of use. What you write in your Chrome apps will never make it into our machine learning models. Your data is analyzed transiently, so what you write in your online tools stays there.