Summary generator

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How to make the most of a summary generator

Written with Writer

What if I told you there was a way to finish your summaries faster and with less effort?

Enter the summary generator.

What is a summary generator?

A summary generator is a tool that automatically summarizes any text.

A summary generator can understand the structure of a text and identify the main ideas and key points. Then, it creates a text summary by selecting the most important sentences and putting them together.

If you want to get your summaries done faster without missing any key information, then a summary generator is the tool for you.

How does a summary generator work?

In the simplest of explanations, a summary generator understands the structure of a text and identifies the main ideas and key points.

The summary generator is an AI model trained on over 300 billion tokens of data, which helps it fully understand language constructions and structures. The tool then uses its language understanding to develop summaries based on the text.

When should I use a summary generator?

The primary goal of a summary is to get a quick sense of the main points or provide a quick reference.

A summary generator can summarize marketing proposals, blog articles, case studies, or product presentations. They’re a great way to get everyone on board with the same vision for the future.

The benefits of using a summary generator

Here are a few benefits of using a summary generator:

Save time and focus on more important tasks 

With machine learning and AI, you can create summaries of articles, business proposals, or feedback in a fraction of the time it takes you to do it manually.

You can quickly and easily generate summaries of documents for your team to use in email, Slack, and internal chat. This way, you can spend more time on other important tasks, like brainstorming with your team.

Create objective and concise summaries

The summary generator automatically filters out any personal biases or opinions from a text, generating objective summaries that are clear, concise, and to the point.

Write well-organized and structured outlines

Lastly, summary generators create better-organized summaries because they automatically create a text outline based on the structure of the original text.

This means that when you read the summary later, you naturally understand the flow of information without jumping ahead or missing any important summary moments.

How to get started with the summary generator by Writer

Writer’s summary generator is straightforward and quick to use, making the summary process much smoother. 

  1. Copy and paste the text you’d like to summarize.
  2. Choose how much depth you’d like your summary to be. This can be done by choosing the number of bullet points you’d like generated. 
  3. Click “generate content” and voila! Writer has generated ready-to-use summaries to share.

You can customize Each summary with Writer’s AI tools to enrich and finetune text until you reach your perfect and desired summary content.

FAQ section

Q1: is there a tool that summarizes text?

Good news- Yes! With Writer’s summary generator tool, you can generate summaries for any piece of content automatically!

Our summary generator will analyze the text and instantly summarize as many points as you’d like, saving you time and helping you recap important points effectively.

Q2: what kind of content can I summarize with a summary generator?

Our helpful generator can summarize any form of content automatically. From blog articles to book chapters, research papers, and essays! Writer can quickly deliver an outline and summary of the content for a quick recap and understanding.


AI-generated content FAQ

How does Writer generate content?

Our content generation capabilities are powered by our family of large language models — specifically, deep learning language models trained to generate text. It’s trained on over 300 billion tokens of text data, and the size of the resulting model is over 20 billion parameters. From training, it can understand how language is stitched together and constructed, predicting what might come next given a question or input.

Where does the data for the model come from?

The 300 billion tokens come from open source and public domain text. This includes corpuses of text such as Common Crawl (an extremely large body of text crawled from the web and maintained by the NLP community), books, and a complete copy of Wikipedia.

How does customization and tuning work?

To customize the outputs, we rely on best-in-class examples from you. This can be just one to two examples, or thousands of examples. With examples, our model can better understand the context in which it’s writing content, making the output more in-line with your domain. Writer can also pick up on language and tone patterns, better matching your style.

What does Writer do with the custom training data I provide?

If you decide to train Writer with your custom data, that data will only ever be usable in your version of Writer. We do not share your training data or any AI apps you build with anyone.

Who owns the IP to content created with Writer?

You, the customer, own all intellectual property rights to content created using Writer.

Is the content generated by Writer good for SEO?

Google’s algorithms reward original, high-quality content. The content produced by Writer is completely original. Quality is, of course, subjective, but we recommend human team members review output before publishing. Review steps should include checking content structure, fact-checking, and incorporating original insights and information where relevant. Humans and search engine algorithms are unlikely to distinguish AI-generated content if these steps are followed. Read more about AI-generated content and SEO on our blog.

Writer seems to know some details about my company, even before training it on my own data. Where did that come from?

Since our model is trained on public domain text found on the web, the more your company has a presence on the web, the more Writer will know how to generate text based on publicly known company information. If Writer knows nothing or very little about a company, it will generalize based on what it’s seen about other similar companies.

Where does Writer get facts, quotes, and statistics from? How can I verify these as true?

Statistics and facts generated by Writer aren’t necessarily true. The model is suggesting that this is a statement that would fit well in the content, but it has no way to confirm that it’s definitely true. Any facts or statistics you see should be verified by a human editor.

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