Sales email template

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How to create high-converting sales emails (+ a template)

Written with Writer

Sales emails can be a tough nut to crack. With the average open rate being only 23%, every word counts to make an impact and capture the reader’s attention right from the subject line.

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, don’t worry — we’ve put together the ultimate guide to writing sales emails.

Plus, we have a handy template to get you started. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about writing sales emails that get results.

How to write a click-worthy sales email

First things first, most sales emails aim to inform the reader and drive them to fulfill a specific action — whether that’s booking a call, leaving a review, or visiting your website.

To capture their attention and drive the reader to your desired next step, here’s what to do:

1. Provoke curiosity with an alluring subject line

Use an exciting and interesting subject line to catch the interest of your email recipients.

You could use a subject line that references an upcoming event, a sale, interesting facts, or a hypothetical question.

A good subject line is succinct, to the point, and includes a valuable benefit or personalized offer. Avoid generic openings that are unrelatable or irrelevant.

Instead, opt for subject lines with an interesting data fact, a hypothetical question, or bring up their pain point, to build up intrigue in the reader. For example, “The best time to send an email is…” or “We tested 200 forms of content, this is what we found out.”

Take a look at how 360Learning uses a well-known celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsey, as a subject line to spark their subscriber’s curiosity.

Example email subject line: "Meet the Gordon Ramsey of L&D"

It’s also good practice to do some A/B testing with different subject headers to see what captures the most attention from your audience. By doing so, you’ll get an idea of what copy works and what doesn’t, helping you fine-tune the delivery of your email campaigns.

2. Build an emotional connection in the opening line

Once your recipient has opened the email, the first line will drive them to continue reading.

Add value immediately and avoid generic phrases like “hi, my name is…”

Instead, try something more personal like, “I enjoyed reading your blog post about…” or “Congratulations on your new role!”

This builds a connection between you and the reader, slowly gaining their trust.

3. Keep the body text clear and to the point

Avoid using fluffy language and long paragraphs. Get straight to the point of why you’re emailing them and what you’re offering.

It’s a good idea to show value in your email by bringing up an industry pain point or problem your potential customer might face. Then list how and why your offer can help solve their frustrations.

Be upfront and honest about the problem you can solve. This helps the customer understand the value right from the beginning.

4. Leverage social proof to build trust

Social proof is a powerful tool to build trust and confidence in your product or service offering. In your sales email, it’s a good idea to include social proof to demonstrate the value of your offer.

Social proof can take the form of reviews, case studies, or awards. Data is also a great way to demonstrate your value by showing the difference it makes with measurable statistics.

Data can be used to show the success of your product and the difference it makes in your customers’ lives.

5. Include a strong call-to-action

Ultimately, you want your reader to click on the next step. This means your Call-to-Action (CTA ) needs to be catchy, easy to find, and delivered so that the reader knows exactly what to expect once they click the link.

Avoid the old “learn more” or “click here” as it leaves the reader uncertain where they’ll be taken next. Instead, use descriptive text that defines where the URL link will take the reader.

For example, opt for “Read the full story” or “Download your free Ebook now”.

Here’s how Mindtickle, a sales enablement platform, uses a clear CTA in their email to invite subscribers to register for their webinar.

Example Mindtickle "Register Now" CTA.

Your CTA will drive the customer through their purchase journey, so make sure it highlights its value upfront.

End with a unique signature

Your email signature is an opportunity to leave additional contact information, and supporting resources, and give context as to the authority and role of the person sending out the email.

5 best practices to write a sales email that earns replies

You want your email to captivate the reader, making them curious about your service or product offering and eager to learn more.

To do so, you need your email to stand out from the inbox crowd.

1. Personalize your sales emails to the receiver

Most customers will read your emails and think, “what’s in it for me?”. That’s where personalization kicks in.

Your emails should cater to the personal needs of the recipient.

Some good practices to achieve this is to include recipients’ names in all email communications, personalize links to their interests, and offer resources that match their current consumer stage.

This shows that you’re not just sending out mass emails. Instead, it shows you appreciate their business and support.

2. Ensure your email is mobile and tablet friendly

A study by Mailchimp found that email designs that are mobile responsive can increase clicks by 15%.

With more and more people reading emails on their phones, it’s essential to test your email on multiple devices. This will ensure that the formatting is intact and that no information is squeezed out of proportion or missing on mobile screens.

Most importantly, it should be easy to read and navigate to clear CTAs.

3. Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes

Is there anything more distracting than a spelling mistake right in the middle of a paragraph? Nope. We don’t think so either.

Triple-proofread your email to ensure there aren’t any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Staying clear of typos helps your email get across clearly and avoid losing the authority and trust of the reader.

4. Find the optimal time to send out your emails

Timing is everything when it comes to emailing potential customers. You want to find the best time and day to fit perfectly with your customer’s base schedule.

A survey by HubSpot found that the emails that received the most engagement were sent between 9am and 12pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Timing is important. You want to avoid catching your customer when they’re in the middle of their workday or on the weekend when they want to disconnect from work.

5. Avoid spam words

Overloading your email with “spam” words is a one-way ticket to the spam box.

Words like “free,” “win,” and “guarantee” can trigger spam filters. Normally, these are words associated with spam email marketers.

To avoid emails being marked as spam, avoid using generic phrases. Instead, be specific in your language, and avoid any sort of sales speak.

Make it easy with a sales email template

Writing sales emails requires a lot of work and time dedication.

Using a sales email template is straightforward, customizable, and has a wide range of benefits for your business impact and growth.

Here are a few ways a sales template can be beneficial for your business:

  • Saves time: once you build your template, it can be used infinitely. Then you can focus your time on building relationships with active prospects. 
  • Stay on brand: when you build templates that follow your guidelines, you can ensure all communications are uniform and accurately represent your brand.
  • Covers all the information: thanks to its formatted structure, your sales email templates cover all the information you need in your email. 
  • Ensures inclusive language: sales email templates use inclusive language so that all customers feel welcomed and accommodated.
  • Creates a clear format: optimizes the sales copy for readability and delivery. That way, the customer clearly understands their next steps and who to contact for more information.

How to use the Writer sales email template

Writing a sales email with Writer is instant, customizable, and efficient.

To get a sales email within a couple of minutes:

  1. Write your product name in the template input section
  2. Describe your product in a couple of sentences
  3. Add a call to action

Once you’ve written down all three inputs, Writer’s template takes care of the rest.

Each template can be customized to match your unique email vision and optimized for opens and conversions.

Example of Writer sales email template in action

Here’s an example of how Writer created a sales email with the following information:

  1. Product name: The Content Manager’s Guide to Sales
  2. Product description: “The content managers guide to sales” Ebook goes over how marketing and sales work together to convert leads. The Ebook includes up-to-date industry statistics, and tips from sales and marketing experts.
  3. CTA: Download the Ebook

The result:

“Hey Jordan, 

If you’re like most people in marketing, you’re always looking for an edge. Something that’ll help you reach more customers and close more deals.

Our Ebook “The Content Manager’s Guide to Sales” is designed to do just that. It gives you an inside look at how marketing and sales can work together to convert leads.

And it’s packed with up-to-date industry statistics, tips from sales and marketing experts, and actionable strategies you can use to improve your company’s revenue stream.

So if you’re serious about taking your sales career to the next level, download your free Ebook now.


The sales email template creates a comprehensive message adding value immediately. The pain point is up front, and the solution is provided immediately.

With Writer’s templates, you can change and personalize each email until you reach your desired tone and delivery.

What to do after you send your sales email

It’s good practice to keep track of your email campaigns. Especially if you’re doing any A/B testing, you want to be able to use data from campaigns to optimize your next emails.

This will help you optimize your campaigns and ensure that your next set of emails will be even more successful.

Give your prospects enough time to respond to your sales email. If action has yet to be taken after a couple of days, depending on the nature of your sales email, send them a nudge as a reminder.

When you send a follow-up email, keep it short and sweet, different from the first sales email, and you can use Writer to create follow-up emails that are ready to go.


AI-generated content FAQ

How does Writer generate content?

Our content generation capabilities are powered by our family of large language models — specifically, deep learning language models trained to generate text. It’s trained on over 300 billion tokens of text data, and the size of the resulting model is over 20 billion parameters. From training, it can understand how language is stitched together and constructed, predicting what might come next given a question or input.

Where does the data for the model come from?

The 300 billion tokens come from a mix of publicly availabe data from the Internet and data licensed from third parties.

How does customization and tuning work?

To customize the outputs, we rely on best-in-class examples from you. This can be just one to two examples, or thousands of examples. With examples, our model can better understand the context in which it’s writing content, making the output more in-line with your domain. Writer can also pick up on language and tone patterns, better matching your style.

What does Writer do with the custom training data I provide?

If you decide to train Writer with your custom data, that data will only ever be usable in your version of Writer. We do not share your training data or any AI apps you build with anyone.

Who owns the IP to content created with Writer?

You, the customer, own all intellectual property rights to content created using Writer.

Is the content generated by Writer good for SEO?

Google’s algorithms reward original, high-quality content. The content produced by Writer is completely original. Quality is, of course, subjective, but we recommend human team members review output before publishing. Review steps should include checking content structure, fact-checking, and incorporating original insights and information where relevant. Humans and search engine algorithms are unlikely to distinguish AI-generated content if these steps are followed. Read more about AI-generated content and SEO on our blog.

Writer seems to know some details about my company, even before training it on my own data. Where did that come from?

Since our model is trained on public domain text found on the web, the more your company has a presence on the web, the more Writer will know how to generate text based on publicly known company information. If Writer knows nothing or very little about a company, it will generalize based on what it’s seen about other similar companies.

Where does Writer get facts, quotes, and statistics from? How can I verify these as true?

Statistics and facts generated by Writer aren’t necessarily true. The model is suggesting that this is a statement that would fit well in the content, but it has no way to confirm that it’s definitely true. Any facts or statistics you see should be verified by a human editor.

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