Good copywriting is the cornerstone of a good business

Copywriting software

Don’t worry, human copywriters aren’t going anywhere

Copywriters don’t need to fear for their jobs, even with the increasing popularity of copywriting software. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Artificial intelligence will never replace original, human thoughts and ideas.

But, the job of a copywriter isn’t restricted to just writing copy. Copywriters are responsible for everything from proposing content ideas, to working with other creative departments, to making sure there’s consistent brand messaging across all platforms.

Copywriting software is a great tool for copywriters to use to enhance their copy, save time, generate new ideas, and more. It shouldn’t be seen as the downfall of human writers, but rather as a support for them that increases efficiency and productivity.

What is copywriting software?

AI copywriting software can produce high-quality, original content for your company by using machine learning technology to automate the process. It can create various versions in less than a minute and make everything from short-form to long-form content.

The best copywriting software comes with templates that are designed to save you a lot of time. You can customize these models and personalize the formatting so you can publish your content faster than ever.

Examples of copywriting software templates

  • Blog posts/outlines
  • Email subject lines
  • Social media content
  • Case studies
  • Job descriptions
  • Help center articles
  • Facebook ads/Google ads
  • Outbound emails
  • Push notifications

On top of crafting copy for you, AI copywriting software can serve as a spell check, form cohesive sentences, detect plagiarism, increase readability, and additional functionality.

Everyone and anyone should try out copywriting software. From bloggers, to marketing teams, to copywriters themselves, there are features that’ll appeal to any type of writer. These AI tools will help you elevate your digital marketing and content marketing efforts and take them to the next level.

The 4 Ps of copywriting

There’s no one right way to structure copywriting. If your primary goal is to encourage readers to stick around until your call to action, then the “4 Ps” might be the way you want to go. It consists of four elements — and with alliteration on our side, it’s easy to remember.

The promise, picture, proof, and push are a formula for persuasive writing that convinces the audience to understand your point of view. Quality copywriting software should produce language that falls within a similar structure, though it may need some human editing when it comes to the “picture” element.

You’ll need to grab your audience’s attention from the get-go. If you can’t do that, then they won’t even bother reading whatever else you’ve written. Craft copy that hooks the reader and addresses a problem they face, your proposed solution, and a clear benefit that your product offers. They should know after reading your promise what single benefit you are vowing to deliver them.

Lean on storytelling as a persuasive element. People are more influenced by tangible anecdotes that are then supported by objective data. Create a vivid image for your reader that further backs up your previously stated promise. Allow them to picture your solution by detailing a preferable outcome.

Now that you’ve painted a picture, it’s time to back it up with facts. You can get creative here, just make sure you’re providing some evidence that makes you credible. Testimonials, charts, studies, statistics, and outcomes are all viable examples of proof.

If you’ve executed the other 3 Ps perfectly, it’ll be easier to encourage the reader to take action here. It’s not just the call to action, but a summation of all the previous parts that makes it clear — without a doubt — why someone needs your product or service. Invite them to take action with a powerful offer.

Qualities of good copywriting

If you’re trying to market or advertise something, then copywriting is one of the most vital things to consider. If you want your copy to be memorable and persuasive, there are some key characteristics to hone in on. Whether you’re writing the copy on your own or leaning on an AI writing assistant for help, your copy should feature these traits.

Write in plain language so that all readers can understand your copy. Don’t limit any audience members by including uncommon acronyms or industry jargon that’ll deter potential clients.

Hooks the reader
With limited attention spans at an all-time high, you only have a few seconds to convince a potential reader to stick around. Make sure your headline and introductory copy is interesting and informational.

Identify your target audience and curate your content to them. Good copywriting is persuasive, and you need to know who your audience is in order to properly persuade them.

Know what the main idea of your piece is going to be before you begin writing it. This will ensure that the content has a purpose, and then you can begin communicating that purpose to your audience.

Uses an active voice
The passive voice is much weaker than the active voice and it’ll likely muddle your message. Publish confidently by writing in the active voice to improve your readability.

You don’t want to include false information in your copywriting. It’s bad for business and bad for credibility. Only include truthful information so that readers know you’re dependable and reliable.

Includes keywords
While “If you build it, they will come” sounds great and all, it’s not the most realistic outlook for copywriting. Beautiful copy won’t do anything for you if there’s no one to read it. Good copywriting should include SEO-targeted, researched keywords so that search engines such as Google rank it higher.

How AI copywriting will help your company

Good copywriting is essential for marketing your brand and selling your products or services — it’s the foundation to everything else your business is doing. If you don’t invest in good copy, you’ll never achieve your fullest potential.

Aside from functioning as a vital marketing asset, copywriting is what essentially builds your reputation. If you want to be known as a key player in your industry, good writing is one way to help you get there.

Copywriting software use cases

  • Sales copy, sales pages
  • Website copy
  • Email marketing
  • Blog content, blog articles
  • Marketing copy
  • Ad copy
  • Product descriptions
  • Landing pages

What are the benefits of AI copywriting?

Since most advanced AI copywriting software nowadays can be self-installed as a browser extension, this means you can reap the benefits no matter where you’re writing. Whether it’s in Google Docs, WordPress, Microsoft Office 365, or Contentful, you can count on your writing assistant to help you out and write like a pro.

Save company time
Writing copy — whether it’s for social media posts, blog articles, or sales pages — takes time. This time could be better invested in other areas of your company so you have a more streamlined workflow. AI copywriting tools allow you to better allocate your resources and leave the researching and text-generating to the software.

Overcome writer’s block
It can be tricky to keep coming up with fresh writing, or thinking of new ways to rephrase old ideas. Copywriting software can take on the tedious task of refreshing your writing and producing brand-new content so you don’t have to keep brainstorming.

Avoid plagiarism and write SEO-friendly content
There’s an endless supply of content creation on the internet. With everyone vying to get their voice heard, it’s important to make sure your copy is original. An AI copywriter can do keyword research to increase your chances of ranking higher and function as a plagiarism checker. Original, informational ideas paired with these keywords make your articles as SEO-friendly as possible.

Improve writing skills and increase creativity
To become a better writer, you need to practice writing and reading. If you’re using AI copywriting software to create content, you’re going to be consistently exposed to good writing and learn what it looks like. By using the software as a helpful tool, you can improve your writing skills and increase your creativity in the meantime.

Publish fact-based information
Good copywriting needs emotions, but it also needs to remain unbiased. An AI copywriting software is an excellent companion when paired with a human writer. Humans can craft the emotional side of the copy, but software can ensure that it doesn’t contain any unconscious biases and publish strictly the facts.

Up your conversion rate
When you’re consistently publishing high-quality content that’s persuasive, you should see an increase in the amount of products or services you’re selling. Good copy is good for business, and AI software can help you achieve this. Content generation has never been easier, faster, or better.

Features of good copywriting software

The market is saturated with AI software, so it’s vital to make sure you’re investing in the proper writing tools for your company. Though there are plenty of free plans that’re worth checking out, paid plans of various pricing might offer more of the features you’re looking for.

Don’t skip out on the research when it comes to selecting the right AI copywriting software for you. If you need the software to work on your browser, then make sure it has a Chrome extension. If you need the most help with engaging headlines, then make sure it has a headline analyzer feature. But, if you’re not sure where to begin, we recommend your AI copywriting software include at least the following.

  • Templates
    Create content fast, in a variety of different formats for a variety of publishing channels.
  • Grammar and spell check
    Fix common mistakes and clunky sentences before publishing.
  • Keyword inclusion
    Ensure your content is SEO-friendly and ranks higher on search engines.
  • Integration
    Work seamlessly without changing from one software to another.
  • Headline generator
    Come up with eye-catching headlines that readers will have to click on.
  • Proofreading
    Publish only spotless work and catch any lingering errors.
  • Style suggestions
    Reduce wordiness, improve readability, and match your brand’s style.

Illustration by Matthew Pamer

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