The big book OF

Enterprise generative AI use cases


Generative AI has opened up new frontiers in the business world. If you’re here, you’re ready to explore this newly discovered landscape, but don’t know where to start. After all, the opportunities are immense; but so are the pitfalls. Like any good explorer, it’s your job to set up a plan, gather the right supplies, and organize your team. And the sooner you embark on the journey, the more likely you are to stay ahead of competitors who are eager to stake a claim.

Welcome to your Big Book of Enterprise Generative AI Use Cases. This is your starting point. It’s a launch pad to get you and your colleagues thinking about how generative AI can be used to accelerate growth, increase productivity, and ensure governance in every function across your business. It’s a place for you to see the value you can get from it and how to get started. It’ll also help you figure out your requirements for an AI platform partner, so you can avoid some of those snafus that seem to come up with just about every new project. And since it’s based on real-world experiences from folks who have accelerated their business with AI, you’ll get the straight scoop.

The Big Book of Enterprise Generative AI Use Cases

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How to get the most out of this guide

We organized this guide in modules and by function. You’ll find sections for marketing, support, operations, learning and development (L&D), product management, and human resources (HR).

(We could’ve done more, but we had to draw the line somewhere.)

Within each function, we then slice it up by use case type — looking at how to use generative AI to create content and communications, retrieve and analyze data, and enforce compliance. And we’ll bring each section to life with a case study from our intrepid Writer customers.

Table of contents

A quick word on generative AI, Writer, and ChatGPT

Generative AI is a broad term that encompasses a variety of different technologies and techniques, such as deep learning and natural language processing (NLP). These tools can be used to generate new images, sounds, text, or even entire websites.

In this guide, you’ll learn about generative AI business use cases, like those supported by our full-stack generative AI platform for enterprises, Writer. You’ll see different types of generative AI capabilities for business use cases, as well as how to best implement those use cases using Writer.

Note that Writer isn’t just a ChatGPT alternative. While ChatGPT is a chatbot interface built on an OpenAI large language model (LLM) and trained with public data, Writer is the full-stack generative AI platform for enterprises. We empower your entire organization — support, operations, product, sales, HR, marketing, and more — to accelerate growth, increase productivity, and ensure governance.

We pair Writer-built LLMs with Knowledge Graph, which integrates with your business data sources, to deliver high-quality outputs and insights. Writer automatically enforces your AI guardrails so work is compliant, accurate, inclusive, and on-brand, whether it’s created by your people or AI. Our flexible application layer of chat interfaces, AI apps, and composable UI options serve use cases across every function.

With Writer-built LLMs, integrations with your business data sources, and a flexible application layer, our platform transforms work by embedding generative AI into any business process.

Three big ideas for
enterprise generative AI

At the heart of our enterprise AI platform is a desire to create a product that your people will love, guided by three core value pillars: accelerating growth, increasing productivity, and ensuring governance.

  • Accelerate growth and drive real business impact
    We want your company to experience increased output, valuable insights, and faster time to market. We’ve built a comprehensive suite of generative AI capabilities that make it a powerful platform for driving real business impact. We’ve put the power of large language models, machine learning, and natural language processing into your hands so you can make informed decisions and quickly adapt to market demands. This translates into tangible top-line results and accelerated growth for your organization.
  • Increase productivity with a focus on people
    Our goal is to delight and empower your people with a beautiful, easy-to-adopt, simple-to-use experience, right where they work. We aim to support their work and supercharge their productivity with a variety of hard-hitting use cases across all functions of the business — from support to product to marketing and beyond.

    We also make it easy for you to onboard people, administer centrally, and track the adoption and success metrics that matter.
  • Ensure governance with an enterprise-ready platform
    We built Writer to be business-ready. Unlike open-source AI, we build on a foundation of our own, Writer-built LLM, and then add layers of intelligence that “learns” your brand based on your best content, guidelines, writing style, key terms, and company facts. The output becomes increasingly smarter, more accurate, more tailored to you.

    We architected our platform with privacy and security in mind — we don’t use your data to train our models, and we adhere to security best practices and compliance standards, such as SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.

    We also built Writer with AI guardrails to support your corporate and brand guidelines, legal requirements, and regulatory standards. By automatically applying the necessary rules and guidelines, your organization can maintain consistency and accuracy in your output, mitigating the risk of errors or non-compliance. Our goal is to extend your brand for an integrated, consistent, trustworthy experience — for both your users and customers.

Here’s a summary of the use cases we’ll explore

Marketing person


Support person


Operations person


L&D person


Product person


HR person



Write the introduction for an ebook about our product.

Write a knowledge base article on our latest feature.

Automatically create a product description once SKU details hit a database.

Generate a best practices article for newly-promoted managers.

Turn this list of feature and bug tickets into release notes.

Write an inclusive job description.


Summarize the key takeaways of
this webinar.

What areas for improvement should we consider based on qualitative customer survey responses?

What are some OKRs we can develop based on this quarterly report?

What are some frequently asked questions in our internal wiki?

Based on qualitative customer feedback, what features should we prioritize on our roadmap? 

Summarize this job interview recording.


Flag language in this ad copy that runs afoul of legal and regulatory rules, including incorrect terminology and statements.

Suggest on-brand support responses to customer inquiries.

Ensure accuracy of investor updates.

Ensure compliance of training materials with industry certification requirements.

Enforce guidelines for inclusive language, voice, and product terminology in our product design tool.

Flag and suggest corrections to non-inclusive language in employee communications.



Enterprise AI is already giving marketers a massive leg up, helping them increase their content production by 50%, getting to market faster with distribution shortcuts, and keeping all their people (in marketing and beyond) on brand.

Marketing person
CreateWrite the first draft of an ebook about our product.
AnalyzeSummarize the key takeaways from this webinar.
GovernFlag language in this ad copy that runs afoul of legal and regulatory rules, including incorrect terminology and statements.

Functional requirements for AI:

  • Knows your products
  • Speaks in your voice
  • Writes in your style
  • Integrates with your data sources
  • Detects claims and checks facts

Case study


How 6sense marketing
uses Writer to get more

Latané Conant of 6sense

Scaling content output and maintaining brand consistency.


  • Automatically rebranded 100 blog posts to align with 6sense brand style
  • Transformed product documentation to sound more conversational and aligned with their voice
  • Verticalized content to cater to specific industries and personas

Key Writer features
Ideate | Generate | Repurpose | Transform

50% increase in writing output, improved brand consistency, and enhanced content personalization.


Read more
How 6sense marketing uses Writer to get more efficient



Customer success and support professionals are under pressure to get their customers up and running and need to deliver value in a short amount of time. Enterprise AI helps them put their best foot forward with your latest, most helpful content, every time.

Support person
CreateWrite a knowledge base article on our latest feature.
AnalyzeWhat areas for improvement should we consider based on customer support survey responses?
GovernSuggest on-brand support responses to customer inquiries.

Functional requirements for AI:

  • Knows your products inside and out
  • Gives the latest answer, in your voice
  • Writes in your knowledge base or FAQ format
  • Ingests and understands all data formats
  • Detects claims and checks facts

Case study


That time Karl from iManage scaled support output by 400% with Writer

Karl Gabbey

Scale knowledge base articles 5x in one year with existing team.


  • Enable a team of ~20 to write and publish content in record time
  • Quickly ramp up new writers on iManage’s style guides and content guidelines
  • Enable a team-publishing model that helps non-writers produce great content

Key Writer features
Terms | Style guide

Scaled knowledge base articles from <200 to 1,000+ in a year.


Read more
That time Karl from iManage scaled support output by 400% with Writer



Operations leaders want to take advantage of the massive productivity gains that AI offers, but they’re also on the hook to roll things out in a coordinated, programmatic way. Enterprise AI helps them get the most mileage out of their data and content, while also protecting data and ensuring compliance.

Operations person
CreateAutomatically create a product description once SKU details hit a database.
AnalyzeWhat are some OKRs we can develop based on these quarterly reports?
GovernEnsure accuracy and regulatory compliance of investor updates.

Functional requirements for AI:

  • Knows your products inside and out
  • Integrates with your tech stack
  • Writes based on your business context
  • Ingests and understands all data formats
  • Detects claims and checks facts

Case study


Ranjan Roy on Adore Me’s strategic shift to AI

Ranjan Roy of Adore Me

Accelerate Adore Me’s content production process by automating repetitive writing tasks and aligning team members on sustainability language.


  • Write product descriptions automatically, saving thousands of hours a year
  • Automatically enforce environmental, social, and governance (ESG) compliance
  • Free up resources so team members can work on more high-impact projects

Key Writer features
Apps | Terms | Style guide


  • Saved 35 hours per writer per month
  • Put tedious content tasks like writing press releases on autopilot


Read more
Ranjan Roy on Adore Me’s strategic shift to AI



L&D pros need to develop and roll out high-quality, up-to-date training to the entire organization, often in a dizzying array of formats. Their job is never done! Enterprise AI can help them bootstrap great content from any source and get it battle-ready in short order.

L&D person
CreateGenerate a best practices article for newly-promoted managers.
AnalyzeWhat are some frequently asked questions in our internal wiki or internal chat conversations?
GovernEnsure compliance of training materials with industry certification requirements.

Functional requirements for AI:

  • Knows your company’s business context and culture
  • Ingests and understands all data formats
  • Writes in your voice for any audience
  • Detects claims and checks facts

Case study


How SentinelOne secures global content at scale

Rochelle Fisher of SentinelOne

Write with consistency and quality at scale and around the globe.


  • Automatically generate first drafts of blog posts and recaps of training videos
  • Enforce brand, terms, and compliance requirements across documentation and training
  • Align all writers to the SentinelOne voice
  • Edit and revise content directly inside of the company’s CMS

Key Writer features
Apps | Rewrite | Terms | Snippets | Style guide


  • Saved more than 100 hours per month per writer on video documentation
  • Reduced technical writing QA time by more than 50%


Read more
How SentinelOne secures global content at scale



Product leaders need to create easy, consistent, delightful, user experiences while documenting updates and fixes to products. Enterprise AI helps them create all the content to support the business with crisp, clear, bias-free language.

Product person
CreateTurn this list of features and bug tickets into release notes.
AnalyzeBased on customer feedback, what features should we prioritize on our roadmap?
GovernMake in-line suggestions for using inclusive language, voice, and product terminology in our product design tool.

Functional requirements for AI:

  • Knows your company’s products and terminology
  • Ingests and understands all data formats
  • Writes in your voice
  • Uses accessible, inclusive language

Case study


How the QuickBooks content leadership unified voice across Intuit

Tina O'Shea and Sarah Mohs

Intuit needed tools and systems for its designers to stay aligned and take ownership of and accountability for voice, style guidelines, and inclusive language.

Intuit built a content design system with a style council and an open contribution model. They also used Writer to enforce the content design system in Figma and GDocs, edit strings for editorial style, check content for inclusivity, and give app content components to non-writers.

Key Writer features
Style guide | Terms | API | Figma plugin

Intuit created a more inclusive workplace through language and voice; differentiated QuickBooks and TurboTax from competitors, and streamlined content strategy. Writer provided tools to help bring the style guide to people where they work, flag non-inclusive language privately, and learn to do better without calling out publicly.


Read more
How the QuickBooks content leadership unified voice across Intuit


Human resources (HR)

HR teams must balance hiring with fostering a healthy, inclusive workplace culture. Generative AI can help HR teams by creating content that’s both accurate and linguistically appropriate, analyzing data to identify potential biases and language issues, and governing language to ensure that all communication is respectful and non-discriminatory.

Human resources person
CreateWrite an inclusive job description.
AnalyzeSummarize this job interview recording.
GovernFlag and suggest corrections to non-inclusive language in employee communications.

Functional requirements for AI:

  • Knows your company’s products and terminology
  • Ingests and understands all data formats
  • Writes in your voice
  • Uses accessible, inclusive language

How to get started

  • Choose two or three use cases at the intersection of speed and value
  • Designate leaders and team members
  • Envision what good looks like, and set milestones
  • Go for fast prototypes, learn, and tweak along the way
  • Assess outcomes, build roadmap for more functions

About Writer

Writer is the leading generative AI platform built for the needs of companies and teams. Unlike other AI products, Writer’s training happens securely on a company’s own provided data and their style and brand guidelines. The result is content that’s consistent and on-brand, whether the initial text came from humans or from AI.

Writer is enterprise-grade with all of the security and data privacy features needed for organization-wide rollouts. Writer is deployed widely at leading companies like Accenture, Intuit, HubSpot, Spotify, and Deloitte.

Transform work
with enterprise AI

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