Product description generator

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How to create irresistible product descriptions that boost sales (+ template included)

Written with Writer

The internet is a huge catalog of products and services, and choosing between so many options can be … jarring? Alarming? Overwhelming? That’s when product descriptions come to the rescue.

A study by Google found that 85% of online shoppers agree that product descriptions and images are essential to help guide their purchase decisions.

In other words, to receive customers’ consideration, you need to write product descriptions that are both informative and that convert to product sales.

By following a few simple tips and using a product description template, you’ll have product descriptions that’ll help your products stand out from the competition and encourage customers to buy from you.

Why nailing your product descriptions is important

Product descriptions help customers educate themselves on purchasing decisions. By taking the time to write high quality product descriptions that are optimized for SEO, you improve product awareness, website traffic, and conversions.

A good product description is important because it can:

  • Increase your product’s discoverability online
  • Improve the quality score of a product listing
  • Target specific keywords that help products rank organically
  • Highlight the benefits of a product over the competition
  • Boost the brand’s image with a well-written and informative description of your product
  • Build customer trust and loyalty by providing potential customers with accurate and honest information about your product

How to write a product description

Potential customers looking to find their best fit will likely look to the product description to familiarize themselves with a product.

This is why it’s important to create a detailed and engaging product description to differentiate your product from competitors.

Here’s how to write a converting product description:

1. Write a catchy headline

Write your product’s name and brief description as a headline. This will help your audience find your product easily and understand the product’s category and overall offering.

For example, instead of “watch” opt for “Running watch with a GPS tracker.”

2. Start with a strong USP

Your product description should start with a unique selling proposition (USP) that articulates what makes your product different from your competitors.

A clear USP will automatically capture the prospect’s attention and encourage them to learn more about the product.

To come up with a USP, ask yourself “What is the biggest differentiator from competitors?” and “What makes my product unique?”

3. List product features as benefits

Make a bullet point list of the benefits your product offers. Prospects can easily understand all your product’s features by having a concise and skimmable summary in the product description.

The key is to write your product features as the benefits your customer will receive. Doing so ensures that you solve their pain points with your product’s features.

For example, instead of “Long-lasting watch battery,” use “Run for miles and miles without worrying about your watch’s battery life.”

4. Include a call to action

End product description with a call to action (CTA) so prospects know exactly what to do next. This is a direct statement that encourages the reader to act. You can include a link to a purchase page or other relevant web page.

5. Add price and delivery options

Lastly, include the price and any delivery options that you offer. By doing so, you avoid customers getting buyer’s shock at the check-out cart, while also offering transparency to delivery or integration times.

If applicable, you should include any discounts or promotions that are available to further encourage a purchase.

Benefits of a product description template

With the amount of products added online everyday, it takes large amounts of time to create a good quality product description for each new product.

That’s when a product description template can jump in to save the day.

Here are some of the benefits of using a product description generator:

  • Save time: a product description template can save time by automatically creating quality product descriptions. This also means that your product gets online to an audience faster.
  • Improve quality: quality is key to ensuring that your product is seen as a viable option by your target audience. With the help of automated descriptions, you can ensure readers get a comprehensive view of the product’s features in a digestible format.
  • Increase sales: product description templates can lead to more sales because they provide potential customers with a better understanding of your product and the benefits it can provide.
  • Optimized for search engines: automated product descriptions help customers find your products online, as they ensure your product descriptions are optimized with the right keywords and length for search engines.
  • Constant consistency: if you’re constantly uploading a lot of new products, then it can be difficult to keep all of your descriptions consistent. However, a product description generator can automatically format your descriptions according to your brand’s guidelines.
  • Ensure inclusivity: automated product descriptions ensure that descriptions are inclusive to all. You can configure the settings to make sure that you are using language and terms that are welcoming and inclusive.

How to create a product description template with Writer

Creating a product description template with Writer is easy. With AI writing tools your product descriptions are instantly generated with engaging and SEO-optimized content.

All you need to do is add two inputs:

  1. Add your product’s name in the template
  2. Include short product features in the second box

Then, Writer will work its magic, creating ready-to-publish product descriptions that set your business up for success.

Once you have your template set up, you can quickly upload your product descriptions to your website confidently knowing they are optimized for search engines and consistent across all your listings.

Example of Writer template in action


Product name: RunWatch

Product features:

  • Fitness watch
  • Adjustable straps
  • Calculates running pace
  • Measures heartbeat
  • 14-hour battery life

Result 1:

“The RunWatch is the perfect fitness companion for runners of all levels. It calculates pace and distance, and displays real-time heart rate data, so you can always see how hard you’re working. The RunWatch also has a built-in stopwatch and lap timer, so you can track your progress and PRs over time. And with 14 hours of battery life, you can keep going all day long.”

Result 2:

“The RunWatch is more than just a fitness watch. It’s a stylish accessory that makes a statement. Whether you’re running a marathon or just out for a jog, the RunWatch is the perfect way to show the world that you’re a serious runner. And with its adjustable straps, it’s comfortable to wear all day long.”

6 tips to differentiate your product description

If you want your product to stand out from the crowd, there are some tips that you can use to make your product description more unique.

1. Write for your audience, not for search engines

Your product description should be written for your target audience, with helpful content that emphasizes the benefits and features of a product.

While it’s important to include relevant keywords, your description shouldn’t be overloaded with keywords that make it read unnaturally. Instead, describe your product for your target audience to read and enjoy.

2. Use natural language and avoid jargon

Keep the product description short and to the point.

Avoid jargon or complex language, even for tech products. You want your audience to be able to fully understand each product feature and why it’s important.

3. Add a storytelling element

Stories are a great way to connect with potential buyers on an emotional level and get them interested in your product. Tell a story about your product. What problem does it solve? How does it make someone’s life better?

4. Optimize for SEO

Use SEO best practices in your product descriptions to increase product visibility and improve your SEO. You can achieve this by using relevant keywords and phrases related to your product and including keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions.

5. Use customer testimonials

Customer reviews are a great way to build trust and credibility, and are an integral part of the online shopping experience. Customer reviews add a layer of social proof, as reviews and opinions validate the value of a product to a potential customer.

6. Use inclusive language

To make sure that everyone understands that the product is meant to be welcoming to everyone, use inclusive language in all product descriptions.  By using phrases like ” everyone” or “everyone is welcome” instead of “men” or “women,” you are making it clear that the product is open to everyone. This will help to make sure that everyone feels included and respected.

FAQ product description generator tool

Ideal length of product descriptions

The ideal length of product descriptions can vary depending on the product being described. However, it’s good practice to have product descriptions be between 200–500 words.

The trick is for product descriptions to be long enough to provide readers with important details about the product, including features, benefits, and potential uses. But, still be concise and engaging to avoid repetition and losing the potential customers interest.

Is there a risk of plagiarism using the product description tool?

Nope. Writer’s AI writing tools don’t plagiarize any text. Writer’s AI understands language structure and word relations, enabling it to create its own content.

Product description generators vs. outsource copywriting?

Outsourcing copywriting services requires a significant investment in time, training, planning, and money. Although it can be a great option for companies that need a high-volume of specialized product descriptions with a unique tone.

However, using a product description generator can be a faster and more cost-effective solution. The tool is designed to provide accurate and concise descriptions quickly, and it can be customized to fit the needs of any business.


AI-generated content FAQ

How does Writer generate content?

Our content generation capabilities are powered by our family of large language models — specifically, deep learning language models trained to generate text. It’s trained on over 300 billion tokens of text data, and the size of the resulting model is over 20 billion parameters. From training, it can understand how language is stitched together and constructed, predicting what might come next given a question or input.

Where does the data for the model come from?

The 300 billion tokens come from open source and public domain text. This includes corpuses of text such as Common Crawl (an extremely large body of text crawled from the web and maintained by the NLP community), books, and a complete copy of Wikipedia.

How does customization and tuning work?

To customize the outputs, we rely on best-in-class examples from you. This can be just one to two examples, or thousands of examples. With examples, our model can better understand the context in which it’s writing content, making the output more in-line with your domain. Writer can also pick up on language and tone patterns, better matching your style.

What does Writer do with the custom training data I provide?

If you decide to train Writer with your custom data, that data will only ever be usable in your version of Writer. We do not share your training data or any AI apps you build with anyone.

Who owns the IP to content created with Writer?

You, the customer, own all intellectual property rights to content created using Writer.

Is the content generated by Writer good for SEO?

Google’s algorithms reward original, high-quality content. The content produced by Writer is completely original. Quality is, of course, subjective, but we recommend human team members review output before publishing. Review steps should include checking content structure, fact-checking, and incorporating original insights and information where relevant. Humans and search engine algorithms are unlikely to distinguish AI-generated content if these steps are followed. Read more about AI-generated content and SEO on our blog.

Writer seems to know some details about my company, even before training it on my own data. Where did that come from?

Since our model is trained on public domain text found on the web, the more your company has a presence on the web, the more Writer will know how to generate text based on publicly known company information. If Writer knows nothing or very little about a company, it will generalize based on what it’s seen about other similar companies.

Where does Writer get facts, quotes, and statistics from? How can I verify these as true?

Statistics and facts generated by Writer aren’t necessarily true. The model is suggesting that this is a statement that would fit well in the content, but it has no way to confirm that it’s definitely true. Any facts or statistics you see should be verified by a human editor.

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