Rephrase your writing and get more out of your content

A great piece of content isn’t done after the first publication
Online, we’re constantly surrounded by a steady stream of content. Whether that be ads for products, thought-provoking blog posts, or informational articles — there’s a rushing river of words that shows no sign of slowing.
And if you’re someone who’s throwing their own words into the water, you know how hard it can be not only to get your content in front of the right audience, but to create original content again and again.
That’s why it’s okay — encouraged even — to use your content multiple times. Maybe it goes out first as a blog post, then turns into a Twitter thread, and then a webinar or pdf guide. Either way, you’re going to need to rework what you write to ensure it’s hitting the readers you have in mind.
You’ll rephrase what you’ve written to keep the overarching idea, but change the language and method of execution. This itself can take as much time as coming up with the original thoughts in the first place. Rephrasing tools offer a fantastic alternative to rewording your content yourself. Alongside that, they help you improve your search engine optimization, reach your target audience, avoid plagiarism, and save you valuable time.
What’s the difference between paraphrasing and rephrasing tools?
Paraphrasing is taking someone else’s text and thoughts and rewording it so that the idea is expressed in your own words. It’s a way to ensure you avoid plagiarism while still upholding the original meaning of the text. Many online paraphrasing tools exist for free and function as a grammar checker, plagiarism checker, and provide synonyms to replace single words.
As a blogger, you might paraphrase an article you read. By doing this, you’re still expressing the original article’s ideas, but in your own words and in your own way. It’s more than just substituting synonyms — it’s changing the sentence structure and syntax to produce a more original thought.
Rephrasing, on the other hand, is looking at your own words and rewriting them, often to improve clarity. You might rephrase a more complex sentence because you realize your target audience isn’t likely to fully grasp what you’re trying to say. Those producing content on a digital medium will strive to write in plain language — and rephrasing as a part of the editing process helps achieve this goal.
Companies are constantly rephrasing their content to improve readability and appeal to their desired readership. On top of that, they’re trying to get the most out of the content they produce by distributing it in various mediums. The process can be improved dramatically with existing tools that offer ways to improve the readability of your content by rephrasing what you’ve already written. These improvements can include everything from tone to sentence structure to complexity to length and more.
Why are rephrasing tools useful?
In the high-paced world we’re living in today, we value anything that saves time and makes our job easier — as long as it’s not sacrificing quality. Rephrasing tools do the opposite — they improve your writing.
See a higher ranking on Google
Rephrasing tools accomplish something that’s sure to be of interest to those working in the digital world. They’re great when it comes to improving your SEO. A rephrasing tool can help you spin out a number of unique articles. With more content, you can show off your expertise on a certain subject and Google is sure to take notice.
Unique, high-quality content gets recognized — not just by readers, but by Google too. Create articles and web copy with more diverse keywords that are valuable and informative. A rephrasing tool that helps you improve your writing skills in turn is improving your SEO.
Save valuable time
In a matter of seconds, you can improve the quality of your article. We don’t always have time to go through rounds of edits between the writer and editor. An online tool is one way to produce original content based on resources you’ve already done the work to create.
Turn an informative article into a social media post — and use a rephrasing tool to create the caption you’ll use when sharing. Instead of doing a copy-paste of bits from your content, rearrange your words while still expressing the same idea. No need to spend a lot of time writing captions for various platforms.
Avoid self-plagiarism and repurpose your content
When you’re constantly writing on the same topic, you might end up copying what you’ve said in the past without even realizing it. Avoid this accidental duplication and continue growing your reputation as a thought-leader in your niche or industry with the aid of a rephrasing tool.
Evergreen resources are valuable, and even more so when you can take the ideas you’ve used in the past and publish them in a new way. You’ve already done the hard part of becoming knowledgeable on a topic — make your life easier by leaning on a tool to repurpose your preexisting content and distribute it further.
Tailor language for your intended audience
You might rephrase something you’ve written before to make it clearer for the intended audience. The way you talk to your grandmother differs from the way you talk to a friend, which differs even more from the way you talk to a manager.
You change the way you communicate depending on who the receiver is. The method of communication differs as do the words you select. Just as you would opt for a phone call over a text depending on the situation, you change the way you deliver your words based on who you’re talking to.
Imagine you’ve fallen ill. To a boss or supervisor, you’d send a professional email explaining your need for a sick day. You might call your grandma up on the phone and let her know you’re not feeling well if you were supposed to visit. For a friend, a text might do. In all of these scenarios, you’re conveying the same thing, yet your method of delivery changes.
It’s not just the method that changes. For example:
To your friend:
“Hey, not feeling great today. Think I caught that flu that’s going around. Will have to meet up a different day, sorry!”
To your grandma:
“Hi Grandma, I think I’ve caught the flu that my mom had last week. I feel okay but I don’t want to risk getting you sick so we’ll have to have lunch another time. I’m sorry for any inconvenience. Miss you, and hope to see you soon.”
To your manager:
“Hello [Name of your manager], I’m sending this email to inform you that I can’t come into the office today. I’ve been feeling under the weather since last night and will need to use a sick day today.”
All three of these examples accomplish the same goal: letting the recipient know you’re not feeling well and can’t fulfill whatever obligation you had for the day. However, you’ve rephrased each to best fit your audience. While it’s often done without a second thought in these more personal relationship settings, it can be more difficult to execute when your audience isn’t just one person. This is where rephrasing tools come in.
Who benefits from a rephrasing tool?
Rephrasing occurs all the time and sometimes subconsciously. But, when your audience is harder to identify, rephrasing is a necessity to ensure your reader can understand your writing. With this in mind, nearly everyone can benefit from a rephrasing tool.
Content Marketers
Content marketers are constantly looking for ways to share content — new and old. Repurposing past pieces can be time-saving and a great idea, when executed properly. Rephrasing tools help these specialists consider new ways to present evergreen ideas.
Many times, bloggers rely on other thoughts and ideas while interjecting their own unique content. Learning how to properly paraphrase others’ ideas and rephrase your own to match the readership you’re trying to attract is a valuable skill. It’s also one made easier by rephrasing tools.
Social Media Managers
You want to avoid repetition when you’re sharing content on different social media channels. Each has their own methodology for getting the most traffic. Rephrasing tools give you fresh, new ways to caption posts when sharing content.
Human Resources
Recruiters and HR teams are busy communicating with various audiences, since they often work internally and externally. Wording needs to be precise and communication needs to be healthy — rephrasing tools make that process a bit easier and stress-free.
Students and Scholars
At the end of the day, rephrasing is just another part of the editing process. For students at any grade level as well as scholars, a rephrasing tool is a useful way to nudge them to consider clarity and originality when working with others’ thoughts in a research paper or essay.
English as a second language (ESL) writers
For those who are writing in English, but it’s not their native language, rephrasing tools are a valuable resource that can even provide real-time education. There’s no need to whip out a thesaurus or worry about finding synonyms to make some thoughts clearer when you can lean on a rephrasing tool.